Saturday, September 27, 2008

Trials in domesticity...

Do.mes.tic: devoted to home duties and pleasures
I don't know how devoted I am to home duties and pleasures, but it never hurts to pretend. Since I have had an usual amounts of time on my hands, I made a list a little bit ago of perhaps some of the projects that I could complete ranging from finishing some cross stitching that I started 4 years ago to teaching myself how to sing. Some goals obviously have more hope for success than others, but one having a list made me feel good, and two it gave me some productive things to do amidst the job search.

Well project one was stenciling my wall with the phrase "Live well Laugh Often Love Much." Trial 1: Failed. As you can see in this lovely photo I did not use the right kind of paint for "Live Well". So it actually looks more like Halloween lettering, with the dripping blood affect. Creepy. Trial 2: A work in progress. Luckily I finished the rest and it did not look quite as bad. Also I hung some wire to hang up my pictures. I think it is pretty cute, not perfect but ok for a first time idea.

Then on Wednesday I decided to attempt cake decorating. Nothing too extravagant but just to give it a try. My grandma Willis made BEAUTIFUL wedding cakes. I was always fascinated by the fake cake that was covered with plastic in her basement. I remember being 11 and as I was frosting a cake having her pull me aside to tell me a trick. It is a talent that I don't think that I really have, but would like to work on. So I busted out a my decorating bags, tips, pans, icing knife, etc. Unfortunately it did not quite accomplish the look I was going for, but for a first try it wasn't too bad. I just hope for steady improvement. :)

As for now that is all, I will keep you posted on further adventures in domesticity, perhaps including my plans to make pesto from scratch on Sunday. Nothing too exciting, but hey it keeps me from being bored. Also I did get a job offer today! Finally. I can finally breath! :)


Carolyn said...

I am so impressed with with the way you decorated your wall, and your cake that you decorated! They look awesome to me. I don't know how to do anything like that! :)

Thank you for your comment on my blog - you are such a sweetheart! I think that YOU are the type of person who is always fun to be around. I am so grateful that we were reunited at BYU!

Cardiganwearer said...

Katherine, your blog is amazing! How do you do this? You'll have to help me next time you're in town.