Last night I read through one of the 5 partial journals that I have in which nearly every entry begins... "I really should be better about writing in here..." I must admit that I am quite a terrible journal writer. In fact there is little documentation of many of the different occasions of my life. And as such I am determined to work on writing about my life until now and continue it as a work in process. This is where YOU come in. I often find that it isn't until I am in a certain situation or with certain people that certain memories are triggered. Therefore, I am requesting the help of my friends. If you could please email or comment with a memory that we have together. It can be funny, sad, silly, dumb, fun, happy, etc. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind, but whatever it is, it will be helpful. With your help I can fill in some of the gaps that I may have forgotten about. I realize that your time is precious and limited so if you can only write down one that's great. But if you have time for more GREAT! It doesn't need to be anything lengthy either it maybe just two words depending upon the situation. :) I would really really appreciate it! THANKS!
"oh katie wiiiillis!"
thank you for keeping me in the light of the life and opinions of harry potter back in school by lending me your books.
your picture is adorable.
I remember going on band tour with you to Chicago our freshman year, and for some reason the thing that pops out most was that we were going out somewhere nice and while we were getting ready you were ironing your dress. Well you left to do something but left the iron on the dress and when you came back it had burned a huge hole out of your fabric! You were really upset, but I think there was a happy ending and maybe looking back it was kind of funny - something like what happened in a scene from Little Women. :)
first...you look way too cute on that picture!! :) memories? hmm when we went to see that crappy movie...definitely maybe with staceycita...also enrichment at your house with that girl that talked about france for HOURS! haha..and mini golfing and i think i have those pics on facebook and if i don't i can send them to you :)
Well, we have so many memories together I don't know where to start. I think one of my favorite memories we shared together was that crazy trip we took to Las Vegas. I remember how you told us that story for like the whole trip there and how Mari totally talked to Nate for the first time on the phone while we were driving. And then when we got there we walked down to the end of the strip. Then we tried to walk to that buffet that actually ended up being on the other side of the freeway. And then Sunday, Mari was really sick and we went to church and to visit the temple. Then we went to my parent's time share and spent some time in the hot tub. And then the other places like the M&M factory where we got to wear those cool glasses and we made Nicki and Michelle wear those pimp hats. I don't think that will ever be forgotten. I have tons of photos from it too if you ever need them.
Ahem. I have one name for you. Enoch :) I don't remember what our other name for him was...so that will have to do. Or there was that time on the bus the man was reaching for your chapa...or when I got bird poop on mine...or when we burned the table in the pijo house with the iron...or my FAVORITE...you smacking the table at Gimenez :) Really actually...that whole transfer with you and Gimenez in the district...classic. Or!!! How could I forget...the almost accidents we got in....especially the one on my first day in Spain...woah que assusto. So many memories!! I could go on and on.......but...I'll leave room for others :)
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