Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gotta love the weekends...

Some highlights

Friday night - Dinner at the Euro Cafe in Gilbert. Mmm Mmm Mmm. Then friends over for games.

Saturday- Running errands. I bought a ticket to Australia. Yes. I will be going to the land down under. :). Elder Bednar's fireside.

Sunday- Great eat and greet dinner with the Relief Society. Trip to Snowflake to visit my grandpa Willis.

Grandma's Kitchen. Good memories. :)I love my family. Of course since there wasn't a way to get across the icy creek my dad had to make a bridge.

PetroglyphsMy parents... Can you tell I come from a happy family? :)

My little brother Thomas

Overall it was a fantastic weekend.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Some pictures...

After feeling a little bit of success with my pillow I decided to try a baby's quilt. I was pleasantly surprised with the result. I had imagined the lady bug in my head, and it was nice that it turned out like I had imagined it.


4 random things about me
1. I normally skim a magazine from the back to the front
2. I have always wanted a Magic Bullet (and I got one for my birthday he he he :) )
3. I like to brush my teeth slightly intense (just ask my sister)
4. I love chocolate chips

4 Movies I could watch more than once
1. Clue
2. While you were sleeping
3. You've Got Mail
4. Remember the Titans

4 T.V. shows I watch
1. The Office
2. Biggest Loser
3. Family Feud
4. Friends reruns

4 Places I've been
1. Venice
2. London
3. Paris
4. Machu Picchu

4 People who email me regularly
1. My missionary brother
2. Kohl's
3. NY Times.com
4. Southwest Airlines

4 Favorite Foods
1. Almonds
2. Broccoli
3. Hawaiian Haystacks
4. Quesadillas

4 Places I would like to visit
1. Australia
2. Hawaii
3. Japan (Anywhere in Asia really)
4. Egypt

4 Things I am looking forward to this year
1. Grad School
2. Discovering new things
3. New Friends/Old Friends
4. Sticking to New Year's Resolutions... :)

4 People to TAG!
1. Amanda
2. Rachel
3. Spencer
4. Candra