Last weekend... (Oct 10-12) I made a little venture down to visit my family in Tucson. I love just being home. Even though I have never actually lived in the house where my parents currently reside, it is home. I think partly because I moved around so much, it wasn't necessarily the actual house we were lived in, but the people and the constant things that made it home.
I absolutely loved that as I drove up the Halloween decorations were all up. It is tradition that we have headstones in the front yard with clever little sayings. :) My dad's favorite with the husband's name being "Big Harry" and the wife's "Ima" and the last name SPOOK. I hope that made sense. Anyway, I just LOVE the traditions at my house, it keeps things constant as the years go on, and I don't think that I could ever tire of it. I love seeing my mom's books, and thinking about the amazing woman that she is. I love the blue plates that hang over the piano. I love the photo albums. I love that there is an almost endless supply of chocolate chips and ice cream. (And some of you wonder where that came from... :) ) When I first got in, I had a great talk with my mom I'm impressed that she stayed up to almost 2. (I'm proud that she was wise enough to take a nap before I got there.)
Then Saturday I went with them to an international festival in downtown Tucson. First I didn't even really realize that Tucson had a downtown, but it was quite cute. Then the festival was WONDERFUL!!! I love things like this! They seriously make me SO happy. I love seeing cultures come together, even though it may not be completely authentic. :) I was thrilled that they had a little Spanish booth! JOY almost pure joy is what comes to mind when I get to speak with little old Spanish ladies. They crack me up. Unfortunately they were out of Paella when we got there. Also a highlight of the night was the mens choir that sang. I loved how into the performance they were as they sang, the best was when they started dancing. It just made me happy. A shout out to my parents who have always made events like these a part of my life.
Then this weekend the adventure was the fair! I especially enjoyed getting in touch with my white redneck side by going to the super 8 racing... I secretly or maybe not so secretly got excited when they almost crashed or did crash. :) I enjoyed my frozen banana dipped in chocolate and nuts on a stick. You know that the food at the fair is always exciting. Also I witnessed many infomercials live... luckily I escaped without buying anything. :) I did get a free peery knife. I didn't go on the rides, but would have liked to, I LOVE RIDES! I did see all of the animals, and I have to admit they kind of freaked me out especially the turkeys. They are a little creepy.
If you want to see more pictures from both weekends click here.
I guess now back to the work week...
1 comment:
It sounds like such a fun weekend! Being with family, late-night chats with mom, going to a fair, going to a festival and speaking Spanish with cute old ladies...it just doesn't get much better! :)
Home is a great place to be.
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