Thursday, October 23, 2008
Back on track...
For the first time in a long time, I am starting to feel like I am back on track. Clear goals. Motivation to get there. Overall feeling of peace.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Oh the weekend...

Last weekend... (Oct 10-12) I made a little venture down to visit my family in Tucson. I love just being home. Even though I have never actually lived in the house where my parents currently reside, it is home. I think partly because I moved around so much, it wasn't necessarily the actual house we were lived in, but the people and the constant things that made it home.
I absolutely loved that as I drove up the Halloween decorations were all up. It is tradition that we have headstones in the front yard with clever little sayings. :) My dad's favorite with the husband's name being "Big Harry" and the wife's "Ima" and the last name SPOOK. I hope that made sense. Anyway, I just LOVE the traditions at my house, it keeps things constant as the years go on, and I don't think that I could ever tire of it. I love seeing my mom's books, and thinking about the amazing woman that she is. I love the blue plates that hang over the piano. I love the photo albums. I love that there is an almost endless supply of chocolate chips and ice cream. (And some of you wonder where that came from... :) ) When I first got in, I had a great talk with my mom I'm impressed that she stayed up to almost 2. (I'm proud that she was wise enough to take a nap before I got there.)
Then Saturday I went with them to an international festival in downtown Tucson. First I didn't even really realize that Tucson had a downtown, but it was quite cute. Then the festival was WONDERFUL!!! I love things like this! They seriously make me SO happy. I love seeing cultures come together, even though it may not be completely authentic. :) I was thrilled that they had a little Spanish booth! JOY almost pure joy is what comes to mind when I get to speak with little old Spanish ladies. They crack me up. Unfortunately they were out of Paella when we got there. Also a highlight of the night was the mens choir that sang. I loved how into the performance they were as they sang, the best was when they started dancing. It just made me happy. A shout out to my parents who have always made events like these a part of my life.
Then this weekend the adventure was the fair! I especially enjoyed getting in touch with my white redneck side by going to the super 8 racing... I secretly or maybe not so secretly got excited when they almost crashed or did crash. :) I enjoyed my frozen banana dipped in chocolate and nuts on a stick. You know that the food at the fair is always exciting. Also I witnessed many infomercials live... luckily I escaped without buying anything. :) I did get a free peery knife. I didn't go on the rides, but would have liked to, I LOVE RIDES! I did see all of the animals, and I have to admit they kind of freaked me out especially the turkeys. They are a little creepy.
If you want to see more pictures from both weekends click here.
I guess now back to the work week...
Friday, October 10, 2008
A mini update...
So after my little shout out post, I thought I ought to give a simple update. I finally found a job. It actually pretty much just fell into my lap. It has been interesting first few days of training, but overall I think that I am really going to enjoy this opportunity. I am working as an advisor at a charter school. It is a bit of a transition going to work full-time but so far I am enjoying it. :) Not to mention as I have recently become addicted to the Office, I can't help but laugh as I think of the strange situations that happen in my office on a daily basis. I really need to write the random things I see and hear on a daily basis. Today's highlight was on my drive to work (which soon I will be biking it is only 4 miles), I saw an older woman crossing the road with a pink frilly umbrella it made me laugh. Also I have found a radio station that I love, which makes everytime I hop in the driver seat a joy. :)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A Shout out to my friends...
This past weekend I had the opportunity to go up to Utah for my friend Derek's wedding. I had a marvelous time at the wedding as well as visiting old friends. I never really thought that I would miss Utah, but it had become home. So a little shout out to a few people:
Stacey - Thanks for letting me stay with you. I had a great time watching Baby Mama and eating peanut butter ice cream just like the good old days. Also our great drive through the fields to get to Derek's reception! Also the talk about pregnancy, I am still laughing about what was said. (I don't necessarily think it is appropriate to repeat here.
DEREK and PENNY - Thanks for getting married. :) It gave me a great excuse to go back to Utah. Plus you two are such a wonderful couple. I am just thrilled for you! I wish you the absolute best.
Kimber - Thanks for the heart to heart talks. I am so grateful for your friendship. I am so glad that first impressions are wrong. :) Thank you again for letting me stay with you. Of course Salsa Chocolate will forever be one of my favorite memories... if only I could be sexy like you.
Romina- Sorry we didn't get to talk that much, but I'm glad you came over and watched conference with us. I wish I had the power to get everything working for you. I admire you patience, I definitely don't have it.
Nico- Thanks for letting me crash on your couch and watch conference with you. You're great!
Platt and Munti - I am so glad that we got together for ice cream. I apologize for my crazy reactions. Know that I love you both to death. I love that I can laugh with you guys so much. :) You are WONDERFUL!!
Matt- I am glad that I gave you some personal "drama" to talk about. :) But please I'd rather not refer to the situation as slutty. Thank you for the AMAZING introd to Thai food. It was delish. :) I am a particular fan of the pumpkin curry, but seriously everything was phenomenal.
Sanjeev - Como es que cuejas que no estoy alli y cuando estoy alli casi ni me hablas. Bueno oye no te pongas demasiado tonto. :) Llamame de vez en cuando.
Stefani y Diego - Gracias por dejarnos preparar y comer el desayuno en tu casa. :)
Marianne- You are my hero. You were my hero on the mission, and still my hero. I am so glad that we got together for lunch. I look up to you so much.
Drea- You are WONDERFUL! I love being around you. Thanks for letting me chill at your place to watch conference. Plus dinner was delightful! You rock.
Nathan - Look you are a part of this shout out too. :) I can't believe I saw you outside of your little hole in the temple. :) Thanks for the conversation and taking the time to talk to me. You are one of the funniest people I know. Someday I will collect all of your phrases.
Nava - Nava Nava Nava... so much to say but none of which is appropriate so it will be left unsaid. :) Thanks for dancing.
Spencer - I love your stinkin guts. I miss you so much. I am so glad that I got to see you.
Erin - Hey cute face. Not that I should have a favorite but you are definitely one of my favorite cousins. I LOVE talking to you. I am so excited for your wedding, I wish that I could be there. :)
The Dean's office - You will always be my second family. :) Thanks for making me feel like I was home.
I hope I didn't miss anybody. I was grateful that I got to see and spend time with so many people in such little time. I wish that I could have seen more people while I was in
Another little shout out to my sister Rachel, my incredibly cute niece ISIS, and my brother in law Jeremy. Thanks for being a great pit stop on my trip. I am grateful for your love and support.
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