Coming home for Christmas has been interesting... here are some highlights...
- Well first of all on the drive down, which was quite a drive... we passed a small sedan that had a deer in the back of the car. A REAL deer... feet tied with its head pressed against the window... there must be a story behind that one... but I sure had to laugh as the deer seemed to stare at me. I can only imagine how bad it smell... ick.
- Also along the drive we saw a truck piled high past the cab of the truck full of junk and on top it all was a washer and dryer... call me silly, but what was one of the heaviest things doing on top? It was a sight to see...
- Little Miss Isis Gwin was the star of the show this past week, being the only grandchild/niece she was well loved. Also it is amazing what grown adults will do to make a baby smile...
- Speaking of babies... I almost died when my mom referred to some baby as looking like jabba the hut? (I'm not sure if that's how you spell that) Actually she started off saying that it looked like a toad.... and a few seconds later she said no... he more looked liked jabba the hut...I almost died laughing...
- We had our tradition girls lunch today (My mom, my sister and myself). Some how the topic always gets turned to "It'll be interesting to see who Katherine brings into the family." Although luckily there is more pressure on my brother Stephen... in regards to that topic... well for the most part anyway...
- Also it never ceases to amaze me that even at 24 there are certain roles we don't grow out of... I will always be my sister's little sister... and my brothers' older sister.... besides the stated obviousness, it is interesting the roles that are attached. I wonder if I will ever tire of tickling my youngest brother til he squeals... well probably... but until then.
- I love my family, but definitely it has been reaffirmed, I hate driving with them. My dad is always driving like a bat out of hell... and everybody else makes me sick as the speed up on turns, brake hard, etc. Bleh..
- To be honest Christmas came and went so quickly I almost went through it with no emotion which makes me quite sad since it is one of my favorite times of year.
- And here comes New Years... anybody up for something fun? let me know.
Katherine!!! Happy Late Birthday! I'm so glad you found me! Where have you been?? I'm so happy to hear you have a blog...now I can keep tabs on your life. Sorry I've been bad at keeping in touch! Welcome to Age 24!! love you!
The other night I had a dream that you drove me to Utah. So, how about it? You may as well confess...are you secretly planning to come pick me up and drive me to Utah?!? THANK YOU!! You're the best!!
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