Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My most recent project...

So the story behind the chair...
This chair was by our dumpster right by our apartment. I looked it over a few times, and it seemed ok. It just seemed to be scratched up a little, and I thought I could probably do something with it. So I hauled it into our apartment. I sprayed it down and tried to clean it up a bit. Here are a few before and after pictures. I'm still finishing it up, but I'm pretty happy with how it has turned out.




Tess said...

That's amazing! I'm so impressed!!!

Rachel said...

Nice work! It looks really good.

Crystal said...

That si so stinkin cute! Holy cow I didn't know you had that kind of talent. Would you like to come and recover some of my furniture?

Tiffany said...

You are so dang crafty! I love it and I wish I could be more like you!

Hope things are going well for you!

Carolyn said...

Wow, nicely done Katherine! That is amazing! I'm very impressed.

Mindy Raye said...

Wow! I had no idea that you could upholster. Good job!