So this weekend we preformed the play up at BYU Idaho. It went really well. It was great to have a great audience. Plus it was fun that my grandparents came even though they don't understand any Spanish. :) My grandpa is so cute. He went around to all of the cast members to have them sign his program. Oh boy tonight on the other hand... I don't know what happened, but I started laughing during one of my serious lines, and I couldn't stop. It was horrible. I mean the only thing I can really do is just laugh about it. But it was so hard to get it under control. To say the least I don't think the director was very happy.... Oh well things go on, and I will try some random mind tricks to convince myself to stay in character at all times. :) Also I have a new random obsession with Goldfish. Not the cheddar ones, but the original plain baked cracker. I almost can't get enough of them. I LOVE THEM!!! Anyway. Fiesta is coming up on Saturday! I am so excited! It should be great!
Katherine..what play were you in?? You are so funny...I can totally picture you busting up uncontrollably during your serious lines. Remember when we always had to do plays in Spanish class? I miss you!!!
I want to hear more about why you are going to Spain...and when?
I'm with the last commenter...I can totally see you up there laughing uncontrollably trying so hard not to. Yeah, what is this play? I know what you mean about those plain goldfish, they are soooo good! Maybe it's cuz you have goldfish as your header...or something...
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