Thursday, November 5, 2009

Conversation of the week....

Student: Miss Willis, here is a concern. where can I find one million dollars?

Me: If I knew do you think I'd be working? :)

Student: Yes you would because you are nice and want to help people.

And thus why I'm excited to go into teaching. :)


Carolyn said...

That is so cute. What a good kid! I hope teaching will be great! I'm excited to hear more stories. :)

Crystal said...

Well let me know where you got the million dollars so I kind have some too!

Cardiganwearer said...

Great to hear from you! I got your text message awhile ago. It's always nice to know that someone is thinking of you. I had my trip to Arizona all planned, but then I went out and got a job so the trip got cut. Bummer.

The train yard is one of my favorite places in the world! It's really neat (if your into turn of the century industrial sites) You're more than welcome to come up any time.