7:00 pm Friday - Finding the coolest birthday bag that had a picture of an old man with the caption "Happy Friggin Birthday!"
8:00 pm - 12:00 am - My friend Logan Ash's Birthday party. She has a water slide in her backyard... pretty sweet. Three of us did a little relay race in which we jumped off the diving board, kickboarded over to the other side of the pool jumped out, ran to go down the water slide, swam to the other side climbed up on a rock. Ok so maybe you had to be there to understand how exciting it was. Then unfortunate event of the evening... I got stung by a bee!
4:30 am Drove out to a church welfare farm about an hour and a half away for a Service project.
10:00 am - I pull up to a stop light to turn left. I glance over at the car next to me and the guy happen to look over at me at the same time. I smiled not thinking much of it. I glanced back over noticing he was rolling down his window. I thought maybe he needed directions, so I rolled down my own window. He didn't need directions. He simply said "Thank you for your smile. It made my day. I don't know why people don't smile much anymore." I replied "You're welcome." The light changed and I was on my way. It made me a laugh a little.
12:00-3:00- Worked on reupholstering my chair. It is a little harder than I thought, but still a lot of fun. Pictures will come.
4:00- Saw the new X-Men Origins movie. It was pretty good, not phenomenal.
6:00- Dinner at a great sandwich shop.
7:00 pm - In the parking lot on the way home I found a penny heads up :) Something good must be in store. :)