First off I loved just going through customs and getting a stamp in my passport that said Australia! I could hardly believe that I was actually on the other half of the world! Plus the customs guy was very nice, and welcoming which was a great foreshadowing of all our interactions with the people of Australia.
- It just happened to be that our hotel was right next to a LDS Church in Sydney. So before checking in we sat in on a local singles ward. It was a great meeting. As always it is wonderful to see the gospel alive and well all over the world. Also it was here that I got the first impression of how many immigrants are in Australia from surrounding Asian countries. They had gospel principles in Thai, Chinese, Korean, and English.
- While at church I looked and saw somebody that I was sure I knew. Sure enough it was a guy that had been working in Spain while I was a missionary, and also a friend of a friend. Cecilio was extremely nice, it was nice to feel like we automatically had a friend in the city.
- After going to church we wandered across Hyde park and ran into an Irish Parade. I guess one of things I crave and adore about cities is the life they have. There is always something going on.
- After checking in we walked through the Botanical Gardens on our way to the Harbor. In addition to seeing many beautiful flowers, plants, and trees; we found several large spider webs and heard very strange "bird" noises. The bird noises soon were discovered to be BATS, big bats, and lots of them. They were hanging from the trees everywhere. Slightly creepy.
- As we crossed one street I paid close attention to the traffic as it was a bit confusing having them drive on the other side. In fact I was paying so close attention to the other side that I did not notice a bicyclist coming straight at me as I stepped off the curb. After nearly getting hit the kind cyclist simply said "HELLO!" but in a jokingly nice way.
- As we continued the walk through the park we saw the Opera House for the 1st time. It slightly reminded me of being in Paris last summer and seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time. It seems to be the land mark that screamed HELLO you are really in Australia!
- The walk around the harbor was beautiful. There is something very peaceful about watching boats move on the water. Except perhaps when it is a party boat blasting music with tons of people in white T-shirts dancing. None the less the scene of Opera House, the Harbor Bridge, and the sailboats was fantastic.
- We continued our jaunt through the city over to Darling Harbour where we at dinner at Pancake on the Rocks.
- This was Beach day. Bu
t we decided to make it a bit more interesting by taking a bus to Clovelly and then hike along the coast to Bondi. The hike was spectacular. The coastline was gorgeous, and the weather ideal. Please see some of the pictures here.
- As we ate lunch the birds decided to join us and swarmed by our feet to pick up any crumbs.
- We had a great swim at Bondi Beach. The water was a great relaxing temperature, and the waves were great. Someday I need to learn how to surf. The only slightly tragic part of the day was forgetting the sunscreen... let's just say the lack of Ozone and my pale skin had an unfortunate meeting.
- After cleaning up we headed back to downtown Sydney and ate at the top of the Sydney Tower. The restaurant at the top rotated offering a 360 view of Sydney. It was marvelous. We tried to time it right so that we could see it during the end of daylight, and as the city lights came on. It was spectacular. Also as a part of dinner we ate something original... Kangaroo meat. It tastes like ham, just in case you were curious.
- On our way back to our hotel we stopped by the YSA FHE and enjoyed a game of spoons while talking to a few members. There also happen to be an Elder serving there from Spain. I love how small the world is sometimes.
- The great adventure for this day started with renting a car. I am quite proud of us, I was a lot more hesitant than Michelle about renting a car. I'd much rather use public transportation, but it worked out great. Learning to drive on the left hand side of the road was an experience, but we survived without any major incidents. Well a car almost ran into us, but that wasn't our fault.
- The whole purpose of renting the car was to drive to Blue Mountains just outside of Sydney. I highly recommend this little excursion to anybody going out there. We visited a couple of little outlooks, and then drove to Wentworth Falls. We had expected to just get a view of them but ended up hiking all the way down to them. Instead of simply returning the way we came, which I might add would have included hundreds of crazy stone steps back up we decided to wander down a path along the side of the cliff. It was an excellent decision. We saw several other waterfalls along the way. We ran into few other people, so it was extremely peaceful. Again please refer to the pictures found here to get a better idea.
- We topped of the jaunt around the Blue Mountains by seeing the Three sisters. Legend has it that a father protecting his daughters turned them into stone.
- We took a ferry to Manly which more than anything provided an incredible view of the Harbour. We also enjoyed a little walk on the beach, and a light lunch. I might add that I fell in love with the cute boy that served me my sandwich. Really with a great smile and accent, what more could a girl want. :)
- After taking the ferry back to Circular Quay we got a tour of the Sydney Opera House. It was quite enlightening. I thought the Opera house was older, seeing as it has always been the icon of Sydney in my mind but it is only 30 years old. We heard the Sydney Symphony rehearse in one of the concert halls, the music was fantastic with superb sound quality. Someday I'll have to hear an actual performance there.
- That evening we flew up to Cairns to begin a slightly new adventure. When we arrived at our hotel it was quite late but this cute little old man came out to let us in and even gave us a glass of milk.
- Cairns was a lot more tropical than Sydney, including insane humidity. The fact that we were in a more tropical area became more apparent as I woke up to the crazy sound of birds outside my window. It was actually kind of fun to hear the differents squaks.
- We got up early and had a little shuttle pick us up for our trip to go snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef. To say the least it was an incredible experience. Having the fish swim that close to you, and see all of the different types of coral is quite breathtaking.
- Trying to learn my lesson from Bondi I applied sunscreen several times to my back. Forgetting the fact that my legs were floating in the water. I got the worse sunburn of my life, ouch it hurts thinking about it. I wish I taken pictures of it.
- We took anothe
r tour while in Cairns out to the Daintree Rainforrest. We also got to visit a Wildlife park, feeding Kangaroos and Wallabys. I LOVED feeding the wallabys. They are so small and cute. They grabbed my hand and just ate. It was so much fun I loved it.
- We took a small detour to Mossman Gorge. I hopped in the water with a few others from the group for a swim. The water was extremely refreshing. There was a part of the river that sat calm as it pooled between the rocks but if you swam just right into the current it would shoot you down stream. It was quite entertaining.
- We had a fantastic guide for our walk around the Daintree. Joe, our guide, was quite the hippie and had spent several years living in the rainforrest. It was great because he had a great knowledge and love for the land. I was constantly fasicnated by plants ability to adapt to survive.
- We also enjoyed a little riverboat tour down the Daintree where we saw a few small crocodiles and a snake in the tree. Apparently just a week before we were there a little boy had gotten eaten by a crocodile. Eeek.
And that pretty much concludes the adventure that we had in Australia. It was a fastastic trip, and I highly recommend it to anybody. The land is beautiful and the people are polite and friendly. I hope that my future includes another trip to the land down under.
You are the bomb! Can I be like you when I grow up? :) Love ya!!
Wow, Katherine, what a trip! It makes me want to go to the land down under...
How Cool is that! I am so jealous! You have to take me with you the next time you go somewhere!
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