The picture is explained in #20. :)
1. I took my 1st college class when I was 13. I took a computer programming class at a community college.
2. I have a really hard time cutting people out of my life.
3. Family traditions mean everything to me. I especially love the traditions around Thanksgiving/Christmas. We always get the our tree the day after Thanksgiving. The kids decorate it while my parents go out on a date. We make gingerbread houses the first Monday in December. We make mudballs. We go Christmas Caroling on Christmas eve. We have a scavenger hunt for the big family christmas present.
4. Things like the Tree man really freak me out. REALLY freak me out. Or things that are in strange masses. It makes my skin crawl.
5. I have to set the table with the fork on the left side of the plate, the knife on the right with the blade facing the plate, and the spoon on the right side of the knife.
6. I enjoy a good bubble bath, with candles. Also for some reason washing my feet before I got to bed is really relaxing.
7. I grew up going to historical sites. One of our family outings included going to cemeteries where my parents would send us kids looking for one of our ancestors names on the headstones.
8. When I was in 5th grade I use to brag at the dinner table how many boys I had punched that day. I had issues. :)
9. I love having colorful bras, I missed them on my mission. :) I only own one white bra.
10. I enjoy decorating cakes. Someday I would like to be good at it.
12. I love black and white photography, I'm currently obsessed with framing my own photos.
13. When my sister and I were growing up I always got in trouble because I laughed louder. Well, I still laugh louder but I don't necessarily get in trouble for it. One night we got sent to the garage for laughing too loud too late at night. We laughed so hard we we peed our pants.
14. I love the color Teal.
15. I always wanted to be a doctor, and sometimes I use to think I gave up. But then I realized that what I really wanted was to make a difference, which I know I have the potential to do.
16. I have a goal of never being in the US more than 18 months at a time without leaving to another country for a while.
17. I was on a swim team.
18. I was diagnosed with Asthma when I was 7. I had my most severe attack when I was 11, and was in the hospital for 4 days.
19. When I was 4 or 5 I use to make trips to the mailbox pretending that I was going on exciting trips. :) I would pack up my lego/duplo bucket as if it were a suitcase.
20. I was the biggest nerd in middle school, well maybe I still am. :) I played the clarinet, I did Future Problem Solving, I had a 4.0, and I was on Student Council. Also I got the history award for the year in 8th grade. I have the best picture to prove my nerdiness, if you want to see it, just let me know.
21. I want somebody who will dance with me in the kitchen, preferably to Nat King Cole. :)
Well there you go. :) I guess a small insight to my life.