Califonia Lovin...
My first trip to California included a wonderful chance to go to the wedding of my dear mission companion Hermana Muntifering, who happen to be marrying Kevin Wheeler an elder and friend from our mission. You couldn't help but smile seeing how happy the two of them were to be getting married. It was a great trip, I even had some down time to myself to sit at the beach to read and take in the sun. It was wonderful. I also rented a car for the first time, which was quite the adventure. I love that even simple things like that make me feel extra independent. :)
Oh and I caught the bouquet....
California Lovin...2 :)
Since I apparently hadn't gotten enough of California the week before I headed out with a few friends for the next weekend. We had a great time at the beach and just hanging out. We were very blessed to be able to stay at Kristalyn's grandparents. It was the perfect location, with quite possibly the best couches in the world. :) We went to a sweet little swap meet, flew kites, made an excellent dinner, and went to a very posh Elephant Restaurant. It was relaxing and fun.
Going HOME... sort of...
Two weeks later I found myself on the road to Utah for the beautiful Hermana Lind to become the beautiful Mrs. Baker. The night before my trip up to Utah, I was driving home at eleven o'clock at night and I started to hear this terrible noise. I was driving through construction so I thought maybe it was the car behind me. Then the car started to shake, luckily I was only about a tenth of a mile from my house. So I pulled in and the back tire was completely blown out. I was slightly distraught, debating whether I would continue with my trip in the morning. I decided why not. I had asked somebody to come over to help me at nine the next morning to change my tire. But I was up by six and thought I can probably do this myself. So I did. I was quite proud of myself. I think my independence and pride issues may get me in trouble some day. I really have a hard time letting people help me. I enjoy doing things myself. I fixed our garbage disposal, and vacuum a little while ago; there is just something very satisfying about fixing things myself. There is part of me wondering what the next project will be...
My awesome spare tire put on all by myself. :)
Ok back to my trip. Upon arrival I had a great dinner with some great friends provided by Stacey and her husband Nico. We had great chilean food completos y chorazcos. I love the company of great people, and that is how I spent the afternoon indeed. It was wonderful to be with old friends. :)
The reception was beautiful. The colors were vibrant amidst the lingering storm. Several people from my mission were there including the Evans. They always make me feel so loved. :)
The whole weekend was spent seeing people that I love. I felt at home being back in Provo. Whether it was having lunch or dinner or spending time in a tree the conversations with each and every friend were all very much appreciated. :)
Happy Birthday America!
I love the 4th of July, it is one of my favorite holidays. Perhaps growing up in the military made me particularly patriotic, or maybe it is gratitude after living in other countries that I have come to better understand and appreciate America for what it is. Judge as you may I get a little emotional with patriotic songs including I'm Proud to be an American. I made a quick trip up to Idaho with my family to celebrate the fourth. I enjoyed the care ride up with my brothers, there is something about being with siblings that is irreplaceable. Obviously miss Isis was one of the highlights of the trip, I mean who couldn't love this little girl. :)
For more 4th of July pictures click here.
I am really enjoying my job. I have the chance to work more with the kids, which makes me happy. I love connecting with them, and watching them succeed it's great. Well I guess that is all for now for my much owed overdue hello.
One of the highlights of going to Idaho are the sunsets from my grandparents front step.